Entering college, a new step

Entering college,

Going to college is an important step in a child’s life. To prevent this from frightening him, as parents, we must advise him, listen to him and prepare him well. Follow our few tips, and your child will be able to enter sixth grade serenely .

In college, a lot of things change, arriving in sixth grade is synonymous with both rupture and continuity for the child. Indeed, it will now be much more independent. It will have a complex schedule (which may vary depending on the week), different teachers for each subject, more in-depth personal homework, a change of classroom after each lesson, often larger buildings, a different atmosphere, new responsibilities, a gain in freedoms and he will again become the “little one” of the court.

To prevent your child from worrying or losing all his bearings, reassure him, explain to him that he will not be alone and that all his classmates will be in the same situation as him. In order to make him take his marks a little bit in this new establishment, go with him to the open doors of the college. He will discover the organization and sometimes even discovery workshops. Your child will then be able to ask questions directly to the teachers or to older schoolchildren who will be able to give him some little “tips” good to know about the establishment.

But we must not forget that entering college is also synonymous with continuity. Rest assured, CM2 teachers prepare your child for this new stage. The national program is adapted so that the break is not too big. Thus, the master or mistress will give, from CM2, presentations to make to your child and will push him in his thinking for example. In addition, learning a living language will have already been started even before entering sixth grade, so your child will know what to expect for the college years.

However, at the organizational level, you have your role to play. As parents, you can help your child pack his bag for the first few days, see with him which book he should bring or not, or even teach him how to use a diary correctly, for example. You can also help him with his homework or discuss his schedule with him, so he will have it in mind and you can better understand his day. It is important that the dialogue with your child be constructive, that he can give his opinion and talk about his work freely. We advise you to show that you attach importance to this entry into sixth grade, which represents a big step in the life of your child.

Michelet College

Your toddler must be supported and advised during his return to sixth grade, however, be careful not to invade him too much by asking him too many questions or by chewing up his work. If he has some difficulties adapting with his classmates or with the establishment in general, he must be able to come and talk to you about it, then it is up to you to guide him to the school psychologist or to make an appointment with the main teacher to discuss the situation. This teacher has a special status, he knows the class and the evolution of each student well, so you can talk to him about the results, the attitude or the commitment of your child. The main teacher is the key element of the dialogue between you, the parents, and the college.

You should now have all the keys in hand for your child to have a good start in college, you can now reassure yourself and advise him for this big step!

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